At Mid-Atlantic Financial Partners, LLC (“MAFP”), we specialize in
Commercial Lending and
Business Services. As a Credit Union partner, we understand the unique challenges that face businesses every day. We tailor our approach to find the best products and services for commercial and small business lending.
With years of SBA and Commercial underwriting experience, MAFP can find a product that fits your individual needs.
MAFP was formed in November 2003 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union (“MAFCU”) to satisfy the demand for Member Business Loans. Our team consists of members with backgrounds in both SBA and commercial lending, giving us a complete understanding of originating, underwriting, processing, and servicing loans.
With over 100 years of SBA and
commercial lending experience, the
Leadership Team at MAFP can help you with all aspects of Business Loan Origination, Underwriting, Processing, Funding, Servicing and Loss Mitigation.
As part of our commitment to providing valuable opportunities to our Credit Union Partners, Mid- Atlantic Financial Partners, LLC [MAFP] a Credit Union Service Organization, has initiated a menu- driven program of financial services that allow each participating Credit Union the ability to select services that are “right” for them...
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